QCPP charges an annual fee to cover the cost of delivering our accreditation program.

The Quality Care Pharmacy Program's annual fee is $2,300 + GST. This fee includes:

  • one QCPP assessment every two years
  • accreditation services, including certification against AS85000 Quality Care Pharmacy Standard: quality management system for pharmacies in Australia.^
  • access to the QCPP Requirements
  • QCPP’s Knowledge Hub
  • interpretation and rulings advice on QCPP Requirements
  • a certificate of accreditation (per accreditation cycle)

Fee schedule

 Fee (incl GST)
QCPP annual fee from 1 July 2024$2,530
QCPP assessment
(QCPP annual fee includes the cost of
one assessment per accreditation cycle)
Certificate of accreditation (replacement)$30
Application for expansion of services (per service)$110
QCPP window decal (replacement)$10

Cancellation Policy

As part of the QCPP annual fee, pharmacies receive one initial or reaccreditation assessment per accreditation cycle.

If your pharmacy cancels their scheduled assessment within 10 calendar days of your assessment date, the pharmacy will automatically forfeit their assessment included in the annual fee. The cost of rescheduling an assessment is $800+GST.

Cancellation Fee Timeline

In addition to this, rescheduling your video assessment requires at least 2 business days’ notice to the EY scheduling team. If you reschedule your video assessment after that time, a fee of $150 + GST will apply, more information can be found here.

If the pharmacy cancels, arrives more than 20 minutes late or fails to attend the mandatory video component without reasonable effort to reschedule, the pharmacy will automatically forfeit their assessment and incur full cancellation fee of $800 + GST.

Payment Methods

QCPP offers a number of payment methods. Our preferred method of payment is BPAY.

BPAY: Payment can be made online or by calling your financial institution. Your customer reference number will be different each time your annual QCPP invoice is issued, so be sure to check before making payment.

Credit card: Pharmacies that pay QCPP fees via AMEX will be charged a 1.43% (incl GST) surcharge. MasterCard and Visa do not attract a surcharge.

Other payment options: QCPP also offers other surcharge-free payment options including cheque, EFT and through the customer portal via Eway.

^ Certification is contingent on pharmacy meeting all requirements of certification, including successful completion of QCPP assessment, adherence to QCPP program rules and payment of fees. 
* Cancellation policy applies.

Pro-rata payments and refunds

QCPP is unable to accept partial payments for pharmacies that have identified they will be closing, merging or transferring ownership part way through the accreditation cycle to which the invoice applies.

Similarly, QCPP is unable to provide refunds in those instances where the full amount has been paid and the pharmacy subsequently closes, merges or undergoes a transfer of ownership part way through the accreditation cycle to which the invoice applies.